User Scenarios
Example User Scenarios
As a user, I want to search…
Information about a specific case
Information about a specific category of crimes
As an admin, I want to…
Add and remove users from the platform
Search, Filter, and Compare
Filter crime data by different categories
Arresting Officer
View information about a specific crime
Data Visualization
Graphs across categories
View Statistical Information
Mean, median, sum, min, max, standard deviation, percentiles
Scalable to millions of documents NOPE
Data scraping NOPE
Scrape PDFs from the existing web portal and output Excel file
Existing programs that can do some of this: CLS code + ACLU Volunteer Code
User Management Flask Base
Invited Users
Can use the app
Can invite other users through email
Can update the existing crime data within the application
Can invite new administrators and users
Invite through email! No one can register as an admin if they are not invited already.
Can remove users
The ACLU was founded in 1920 and is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to defending and protecting our individual rights and personal freedoms. The ACLU of Pennsylvania has more than 50,000 members, and our funding primarily comes from individual donations and some grant funding. The ACLU's growth primarily comes from legal and advocacy victories that they use to highlight their important work and reach new members.
The project will be a success when we are able to select a specific crime and a specific municipality or judge and see a list of cases and statistical information about those cases. By running these reports, we will be able to compare trends in different counties and courts. This will help us drive our policy and advocacy efforts, as well as our legal work in the courts.